Sunday, 8 December 2013

Fruit Ninja

hi people!,sorry that I didn't post for sometime , but now I published my latest picture called fruit ninja!,one day I was bored and my mom gave me the idea to draw , so I drew and I found this fruit ninja picture in the internet , and so I drew it!,so keep in touch to see more of my haz art drawings!!!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Dragon series-1

I drew this picture coping the original game called dragon city , then I added a splash of colours to it , then my mom suggested to experiment it using paint , then I gave it a go , at that time we just put all my dragon city drawings together , then I gave the suggesion that , I could use paint app to colour next to it , my moms answer was yes , so I gave it a go , having some positive mind , and after around 15 minutes of experimenting , It finally came down to this picture!!!!!,so hope you like my story , as well as my drawing , so until next time with my next picture , bye!!!!!!!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Cars(the movie!)

hi people/fans, I just want to tell you about how I got the inspiration to draw this picture about cars , one day , last week I sat in my bedroom wondering what to draw , then I saw a cars (the movie!) , picture on a ping-pong bat , then I decided to draw it , but suprisingly I finished this picture within 30 minutes!!!,then I added a splash of colours to it , and I underlined the pencil drawing with dark black crayon , so hope you enjoy this new drawing of mine , bye fans!!!!

Monday, 4 November 2013

Adventure Time!

Hi people!!!,I just want to tell you the story on how I got inspired to draw adventure time!,so as I was saying, the story begins like this!, sometime in the beginning of October I was sitting on my chair in my room , wondering what I could draw next , then my eye caught a glimse of my cartoon network calendar 2013!,on my wall , and in that calendar , next to November , in the calendar,there was a picture of adventure time!!,and by the way, adventure time is a cartoon in a cartoon channel called cartoon network(cn!),so then I stared at the adventure time drawing wondering whether I should draw it , or , leave it! ,so in the end (after 5 minutes!),I decided to draw it, still having some kind of a tiny doubt in my mind! , but I still went forward with the drawing , when I was half-way down the drawing , I started to feel very positive in drawing adventure time! , so when I finished , I felt it needed a splash of colours! , so when I finished the picture (with the colours!),I felt that this was a different type of a drawing , I made! , so then a month after (present day!),I published it!!!!,so this is my story on how I drew my adventure time drawing!!!,so hope you like my story!,(and definitely my drawing!!) , so let me know on how you like it!!!,and keep in touch for more drawings from me , hazem mohammed kunhamoo!!!!!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Angry Birds Star Wars-Revenge of Lard Vader- Part 5 (final)

hey!!,fans I now,have come to the last part of my angry birds series!!!!,so enjoy it while it lasts!!,and hope you like it!!!!!!


Monday, 21 October 2013

Angry birds starwars- revenge of Lard Vader - part 4

Sorry for the inconvenience of me not posting for 15 days ,so keep a watch and a look-out for more of my posts ,and hope you like this fourth part to my on-going-series!!!,enjoy!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, 6 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013

angry birds revenge of lard vader - part 2

here is part 2 of my angry birds comic , so please , if you havent checked out the first part please be sure to check it out!!!!so until next time , with , part 3 , bye!!!!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

angy birds star wars comics

hey,everybody hope your not thinking why im not posting drawings!,I am posting drawings,but I wanted to try something new!,so I added some angry birds star wars stickers I bought from a shop in dubai called kinokuniya(book world!),so i mixed it up to create this!....

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

how I got insipired to draw the racecar!!!!!

I got inspired to draw the racecar I drew three days back  because my mothers friend radhika aunty gifted me with a faber castell water colour pencils set with a book with a racecar photo! so I figured that I could draw the original cover of the book i got gifted on the first page of the brand new book!so then I started to draw the racecar but at first I wasnt so keen on it but as I but as I kept progressing I felt more and more inspired to draw it!so then when I finished drawing the racecar I felt it needed a splash of colour so i gave it some!and after the racecar with the colours was finished I felt very proud of I planned on making a blog!it was an idea I had for quite some time maybe seven or eight months so I created it!!!!!!so thanks folks for reading my first written blog and dont worry there are many more to come!!!!!!!so keep in touchand dont forget to like or to comment on my drawings or blogs!!!!!!,so this is all from me so goodbye and see you soon!!!!!bye!!!!!!!!!and many regards loves and kisses from me to my mama who made everything possible so bye!!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, 23 September 2013

Welcome !

Welcome friends ! This is my new blog I created to showcase my artwork. Hope you enjoy my daily art. Your feedback is welcome ! Enjoy !
